Body Soul
reader! I am glad that you chanced to glance upon this article, and hope you
have a good read.
as understood by all of us, is the state of well being and fitness. It is well
being of the body and mind. As the adage goes “Health is Wealth.” I take the
liberty to generalize and say, that most of us take our health for granted. Which
means, we do not take care of ourselves? We are fit by default, and only when
we are unwell that we do something about it. Servicing is not only for our
bikes and gadgets, but it is utmost important to take care of ourselves,
irrespective of any constraints we may face as part of our daily lives. To
identify and honor our body’s needs, being sensitive to ourselves and unhesitantly
taking instant help – is what we owe to ourselves and our loved ones.
If we
are not feeling well physically – the problem is easy to detect, we go to the
doctor and administer medication. But what when we are not feeling fine in our
minds. Does that not happen? It does. To all of us. At different times. Perhaps
manifested in different ways.
Everyone feels anxious, worried or stressed out sometimes and life
can seem overwhelming. It's easy to see why when we think about all the
pressures that are heaped upon us: society, family, work... where does it
all end?
The different manifestations of these symptoms are termed mental illness. Mental illnesses are no different to any other illnesses - they have a biological basis. In the same way as cancers develop as a result of both external and internal factors, so too do mental illnesses.
The important
question then is – Why do we not seek immediate help, or acknowledge the fact
that we need help. One of the most common reasons is the social “stigma” that a
mental illness attracts. Having spent most part of my childhood in Delhi, all
South Indians are called “Madrasi”, similarly we tend to call all people with
mental illness as “pagal”. It is ignorant and insensitive on our part, and this
stigma is a major deterrent to seek help.
contributes to delays in seeking care, impedes timely diagnosis and treatment
for mental disorders, serves as an impediment to recovery and rehabilitation,
and ultimately reduces the opportunity for fuller participation in life.
Like any
other physical ailment – like a headache, fever – the condition does not treat
itself, but if not dealt with, aggravates with time and creates an internal
imbalance. This manifests in terms of psychological conditions.
We must,
therefore, know how we are feeling, in body and in mind. Alcohol, cigarettes or
a chocolate cake are a quick fix in our weak periods, but add to the problem
than tackling it. Instead we must aspire to lead a healthy and wholesome life -
full of people who support us, and activities that rejuvenate us. Any time we
feel the slightest discomfort, we must not hesitate to seek expert attention.
And why not!
Arati Prabhu
Good tips there madam....